Walking Art Observations in a Mindful Landscape| Autumnal Equinox at S.U.N.F.A.R.M.: 23.09.2023

The September equinox occurs on 23 September at 6:50am GMT.

e q u i n o x [from Latin aequinoctium : aequi,equal+ nox, night] , in space, is either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator.

Equinox, in time, is either of the two times during a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of day and nights are approximately equal: the vernal equinox or the autumnal equinox. In Buddhism the equinox is referred to as O-Higan. It is related to crossing over from the material plane to the spiritual plane. Thus it is a period, in both spring and fall, when the provisional world and the absolute are in close alignment. It is a time for reflection and interpenetration of our lives to connect with all sentient beings and our environment.

On this special day, we gather at S.U.N.F.A.R.M. for a guided tour of the art-in-nature interventions—sundials, compasses and spirals at architectural scale—followed by walking meditation on the Mindfulness Path. The evening concludes with a contemplation of the sun setting behind Mandala Pyramid. Meditation, mindfulness and yoga practice in art and nature are positive and constructive actions to overcome the many environmental and human challenges we encounter.

  • 5:30 pm – Meeting at SpaceTime Torii 6:00 pm
  • 6:00 pm  – Walking meditation on Mindfulness Path
  • 6:51 pm  – Sunset at Mandala Pyramid

S.U.N.F.A.R.M. is a unique earth art project: a phenomenological landscape, naked-eye observatory and embodiment of a mathematical theory of the universe. Situated in the Hudson Valley, this site is devoted to art and spiritual practices.

“Walking Art Observations in a Mindful Landscape” and S.U.N.F.A.R.M. have been designed and realized by Daniela Bertol, with assistance from Zoe Bertol-Foell for web development and art-in-nature constructions.

Daniela Bertol (she/her/hers) is a metadisciplinary artist, designer, maker, author & yogini, researching and practicing at the intersection between art and science.  danielabertol.com/   |  healinggeometries.spaceink.net/  |  sky-spirals.org/sunfarm/